Erin & Kirby

Erin & Kirby

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wedding Photos: Part Drei

So here is the third installment of photos from our wedding day! Some of you wondered why it took us soooooo long to get from the ceremony to the reception, well your answer is in the second part of this slideshow! We hope you enjoy this much smaller sampling of photos than the previous two wedding blog posts, but you know what that means??? Yup, you guessed it, part four is HUGE!!!!!


  1. Gorgeous! I'm still thankful we didn't encounter any snakes or whatever critters you have in MI in that field. :)

  2. Ok, Kirby I'll try one more time to post!
    Loved the photo (section #3) I worried about possible snakes in the tall grass, but other then that I can't imagine how you will pick only a few to hang on your walls.

  3. Amazing pictures. I love them all. What a perfect day with some perfect weather for your special day. Enjoyed looking through your wedding pictures!! :)
